Dental Plates | Frequently Asked Questions

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With dental plates, we recognise the profound impact that a smile can have on one's confidence, self-esteem, and overall positivity. Our unwavering passion and purpose lie in making this transformation a reality for our cherished clients.

Dental plates are worn to replace your natural teeth. They are usually made from lifelike resin teeth bonded to an acrylic base. A complete denture replaces all your natural teeth, while a partial denture is usually held in place by clasps around your remaining teeth.

To have optimal suction, fit, and comfort of your denture, it is important that your dental plates closely and evenly conform to your gums and ridges. Changes in gum shape due to weight loss or bone resorption can result in a loose fit, causing rocking, pain, and discomfort. Denture relining is a solution to this problem, involving the adjustment of the denture base to provide a snug fit. We offer both standard relines, which utilise the same hard acrylic material as the denture, and soft relines, which provide added comfort with a softer lining.

Not easily. Dentures made today can look so natural that people can’t tell you’re wearing them. Your new dental plates are custom fitted to your mouth and coloured to look as natural as possible. They will take on the character of your original teeth, so your appearance will be unchanged.

It’s normal for new dentures to feel a little strange at first but certainly you won’t look any different – there’s no need to be self-conscious. Although you may produce more saliva than normal, this should settle down after a while. You will soon start to smile, talk and eat as confidently with dentures as you would with your natural teeth.

Partial dental plates often need more attention that full dentures, as their fit, care and hygiene have an effect on the preservation of the remaining teeth. Because partial dentures can trap food, which in turn can lead to tooth decay, you should remove dentures after eating and thoroughly clean both the denture and your own teeth. An ill-fitting partial denture can severely damage the gums supporting your teeth. A poor fit may also cause bleeding, soreness and swelling. Always make sure that if you have any irritations you make an adjustment appointment with us.

Advance Oral have a completely Mobile Denture Service. We regularly visit patients in Nursing homes, Hospitals, Retirement Villages, and at work or home. We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to get into the clinic and as such we have a dedicated Mobile Prosthetist able to travel anywhere on the Sunshine Coast to see you or your loved ones.

Yes. Your dental plates are made from materials that are softer than your natural teeth, so eventually they will need to be replaced. In the meantime, we need to make sure that they continue to fit properly, because your mouth continues to change shape after your teeth have been removed. Gaining or losing weight can also affect the shape of your mouth. If you wear full dentures, visit us at least once a year for a check-up. If you wear partial dentures, visit at least once every six months. Your gums should be checked at least once a year to guarantee your overall oral health.

Food may taste a little different at first, while your mouth is adjusting to the feel of the denture. However, your taste buds are mainly located on your tongue – not on your teeth. Food will soon start to taste normal again.

Partial dentures are held in place using clasps that fit around your existing teeth.

No, but partial dentures are designed to prevent further damage to your remaining teeth. So, it is advisable to wear them as often as possible.

Once you get used to wearing your dentures there is absolutely no reason why you should feel restricted by them. With time and experience, you’ll feel as confident as you did before wearing dentures.

A denture adhesive can help you overcome a range of problems.

Many people suffer difficulty with wearing a full lower denture, this is generally a result of a shallow flat ridge on which the denture rests. No matter how well your dentures have been made, they may not provide the same strong biting surface as natural teeth. Whether your dental plates are new, or you’ve had them a while, you may find that:

Their retention and stability are affected by the structure of your mouth
The level of suction that helps hold them in place (particularly the upper denture) varies with the amount of saliva you produce.
You avoid foods like crusty bread, nuts and apples that may displace your dentures
The pips and seeds of some fruits can get trapped underneath, causing irritation and pain.
Relining may improve the fit of your dentures, however sometimes the placement of implants in the lower jaw may be the only solution to an ill-fitting lower denture. Make an appointment with us to discuss your concerns.

Dentures should not be painful, so if they hurt it’s likely that something is not quite right. If you are experiencing any pain, visit us as soon as possible to assess your dentures. Although we take every care to provide new dentures that are ‘problem free,’ just like new shoes, sometimes there are sore spots. This can be overcome with an adjustment. Most problems are minor – although they may not feel like it! Don’t let your mouth become sore before having an adjustment made.

It’s up to you. If you choose to keep your dentures in overnight, always clean them thoroughly before you go to bed – just as you would your natural teeth. Leaving your dentures out at night gives your mouth and gums an opportunity to recover from the effort of supporting your dentures during the day, and to experience the soothing effects of your saliva flow. Ask us if you’re not sure.

To clean dentures we recommend a very soft toothbrush and dishwashing soap. Do not use toothpaste, as it is too abrasive for your dentures, and can damage them. A tip for cleaning dentures is to partially fill the hand basin with water and place a face washer in the bottom. If dentures are dropped, the water and cloth will absorb most of the impact.
Dentures are gradually worn away by use and by cleaning. The soft supporting mouth tissues are also continually changing shape. Generally, dentures need to be relined every 2-4 years and on average, they need to be replaced every 6 years.
Depending on your level of cover and what you have used for the year, yes. We are recognised by all Health Funds, and are a Medibank Preferred Provider. We offer Hicaps claims on the spot – all you have to pay is the gap. You may be surprised at how little your out-of-pocket expense actually is!
Yes. Our mouthguards are custom fitted for the person for whom it is made to provide extra protection when playing sport. They are made from heavy duty vinyl and are designed to reduce impact and minimise the chance of chipped or broken teeth. Our mouthguards are fully customised to you – you choose the colour, and we can add any logos or personal details that you would like. Remember, the cost of an injury to the teeth or jaw far exceeds the cost of a mouth guard!

A single tooth denture stays in your mouth with small clips that grip onto nearby teeth. These clips keep the denture still so it doesn’t wobble when you speak or eat. Also, the denture is designed to fit your mouth just right, which also helps it stay firmly in place. Together, these methods make sure your single tooth denture stays securely in your mouth.

Trying to fix dentures at home might seem like a quick fix, but it’s risky business. Dentures are fragile and require special attention. Attempting to mend them yourself could exacerbate the problem. You might use the wrong materials or methods, resulting in further damage. Homemade fixes may not hold up well or fit properly, leading to discomfort while eating or speaking. Additionally, if your DIY attempt fails, it could incur additional costs to rectify the situation later on. It’s wiser to entrust denture repairs to their capable hands. If your dentures require attention, schedule an appointment with us. We’ll make sure they are repaired accurately and provide a comfortable fit, restoring your ability to smile and eat confidently.

If you still have unanswered questions or would like to discuss your unique dental needs, our team is here to help. Take the next step towards your confident smile by booking an appointment with us today. Let us address your concerns, provide personalised advice, and guide you on your journey to comfortable and natural-looking dentures. We can’t wait to meet you and help you regain your smile’s full potential.

Discover more about dental plates in this dental health guide.