Can I Fix Dentures?

“Fix dentures” refer to making dentures work better. Sometimes, dentures may break or feel uncomfortable. Cracks, chips, or when they don’t fit right are common issues. These problems can make eating or talking hard. To fix dentures, you’ll need to visit a dentist or a denture specialist. They can check what’s wrong and repair them. It’s important to fix dentures quickly to avoid more significant problems. Regular check-ups help catch problems early. Dentures might need adjustments or new parts to work well again. So, if you’re having trouble with your dentures,  there are solutions to fix dentures and get them feeling comfortable again.

Do not attempt to fix dentures yourself

Fixing dentures yourself can seem like a quick solution, but it’s risky. Dentures are delicate and need special care. Trying to fix dentures at home can make things worse. You might use the wrong materials or techniques, which can damage them more. Also, homemade fixes may not last long or fit well. This could lead to discomfort or problems eating and talking. Plus, if you try to fix dentures yourself and make them worse, it might cost more to repair them later. Dentists and denture specialists have the right tools and skills to fix dentures properly. They can assess the problem and find the best solution. It’s safer to leave denture repairs to the experts. If your dentures need fixing, make an appointment with us. We’ll make sure your dentures are fixed correctly and fit comfortably, so you can smile and eat with confidence again.

Fix dentures on sunshine coast with advance oral dentures

What causes dentures to break?

You’re enjoying a delicious meal with friends when suddenly, you feel something odd in your mouth. You realise that a piece of your denture has cracked while you were eating. Panic sets in as you worry about how to fix it. Or perhaps you accidentally drop your dentures while cleaning them, and they chip on the bathroom floor. Now you’re faced with a broken denture that needs emergency denture repair.

These are real-life scenarios that many denture wearers have experienced. It’s frustrating and inconvenient when something goes wrong with your dentures, especially if it happens unexpectedly. Whether it’s a crack, a chip, or a loose fitting, these issues can disrupt your daily life and make you feel self-conscious.

In moments like these, it’s important to stay calm and seek professional help. Trying to fix dentures yourself can worsen the problem and lead to more extensive repairs. Instead, reach out to us for assistance. We have the expertise and tools to assess the damage and provide the necessary repairs to restore your dentures to their former glory.

Fix dentures on sunshine coast with advance oral dentures

We offer emergency denture repairs

Need emergency denture repairs? Come give us a visit. If your dentures break unexpectedly, don’t worry – we offer quick repair services. Our team will have your dentures fixed in less than 24 hours, making sure you don’t have to wait long to regain your smile. Located in Mooloolaba, our clinic provides fast service for fixing dentures. Important to note, avoid using store-bought glues, as they may contain harmful substances. Improperly fixing dentures can lead to mouth sores or irritation, requiring additional oral care. Trust our professionals to fix dentures safely and properly.


Can a denture be fixed?

Yes! When something happens to your dentures, like if they break or get a chip or hole in them, there’s usually a way to fix them and make them good as new. But to figure out how bad it is and what we need to do, you’ll need to come and see us. We’ll take a look and let you know what we can do to help. With our skills and tools, we can often make your dentures work just like they did before. So, if your dentures aren’t quite right, don’t wait! Give us a call and set up a time to come in. We’ll get them sorted out so you can smile with confidence again!

What will ruin dentures?

Several factors can potentially ruin dentures:

Harsh Cleaning Products. Using abrasive toothpaste or harsh cleaning solutions can damage the acrylic or resin material of dentures, leading to scratches or erosion over time.

Hot Water. Exposing dentures to hot water can cause them to warp or lose their shape, affecting their fit and function.

Chlorine. Swimming pools or hot tubs treated with chlorine can corrode dentures, leading to discolouration or deterioration of the material.

Rough Handling. Dropping or mishandling dentures can cause them to break or chip, requiring repairs or replacement.

Dryness. Allowing dentures to dry out can cause them to become brittle and more prone to damage. It’s important to store them properly in a denture solution or water when not in use.

Grinding or Clenching. Habits like teeth grinding or clenching can put excessive pressure on dentures, leading to wear and tear or damage to the material over time.

To guarantee the longevity of dentures, you have to take care of them. Such as clean them properly, and avoid exposing them to harmful substances or conditions. Regular check-ups with us can also help identify any issues early and prevent further damage.

Can I use glue to fix dentures?

Using glue to fix dentures is not recommended. Glues from the store aren’t made for teeth and can be harmful. They might contain harmful ingredients. Plus, trying to fix dentures with glue can make them not fit right, hurt, or even break more. It’s better to see a denturist for help. We know what to do and have the right tools to fix dentures the right way. Plus we offer emergency denture repair if you need it.


Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher is the owner and senior technician at Advance Oral Dentures with nearly 40 years’ experience in the construction of dentures. Darren studied in the UK and then graduated from the Royal Sydney Dental Hospital in 1998. Darren moved to the Sunshine Coast over twenty years ago where he established Advance Oral as an in-home mobile denture service. He has since expanded and now runs a state-of-the-art denture clinic to compliment the mobile service. Darren continually enhances his skills by completing regular additional dental courses. Darren is qualified to construct and work with implant retained over dentures.

Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher is the owner and senior technician at Advance Oral Dentures with nearly 40 years’ experience in the construction of dentures. Darren studied in the UK and then graduated from the Royal Sydney Dental Hospital in 1998. Darren moved to the Sunshine Coast over twenty years ago where he established Advance Oral as an in-home mobile denture service. He has since expanded and now runs a state-of-the-art denture clinic to compliment the mobile service. Darren continually enhances his skills by completing regular additional dental courses. Darren is qualified to construct and work with implant retained over dentures.

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