Is There a Difference Between Dentures and Dental Implants?

As individuals explore tooth replacement options, the question often arises:

Are dentures the same as dental implants?

While both dentures and dental implants serve as effective solutions for missing teeth, they differ significantly. Especially in terms of design, functionality, and cost. At Advance Oral Dentures, a trusted Denture Clinic in Sunshine Coast, we aim to shed light on the distinctions between dentures and dental implants. We help you make an informed decision about your dental needs.

Understanding Dentures

Dentists design dentures as removable dental appliances to replace missing teeth. They come in two primary types: complete dentures, which replace all teeth in the upper or lower arch, and partial dentures, which fill gaps between natural teeth when some teeth remain. Dentists custom-make dentures to fit each patient’s mouth. They hold them in place through suction, adhesive creams, or metal clasps. Find a guide on dentures.

Exploring Dental Implants

Dental implants, on the other hand, are permanent tooth replacement options. They consist of titanium posts surgically inserted into the jawbone to serve as stable anchors for artificial teeth (crowns). Implants are renowned for their ability to fuse with the jawbone through osseointegration, making them a durable and long-lasting solution. If you’re interested in learning more about dental implant, you can explore this informative article on dental implant benefits and procedures.

Functionality and Aesthetics

While dentures offer a cost-effective solution for tooth replacement, dental implants excel in terms of functionality and aesthetics. Tooth implants feel and function like natural teeth, providing superior chewing and speaking capabilities. They also offer an improved aesthetic appeal, blending beautifully with your natural smile.


Dentures may require periodic adjustments due to changes in the jawbone and gum tissue, while dental implants are known for their longevity. With proper care, tooth implants can last a lifetime, making them a worthwhile investment in your oral health.

Cost Considerations

Dentures generally have a lower upfront cost compared to tooth implants. However, it’s important to consider the long-term benefits of dental implants, as they eliminate the need for frequent replacements or adjustments, potentially saving costs over time.

In conclusion, dentures and dental implants differ significantly in terms of design, functionality, and cost. While dentures offer an affordable solution for replacing missing teeth, dental implants provide a permanent and natural-looking alternative with superior functionality and aesthetics. Each option has its advantages, and the choice depends on individual needs, oral health, and preferences.

At Advance Oral Dentures, we commit to offering personalised solutions for your tooth replacement needs. Whether you choose dentures or tooth implants, our team will guide you through the process and make sure you achieve a confident and radiant smile. Schedule a consultation with us today to explore the best option for your unique dental requirements.


Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher is the owner and senior technician at Advance Oral Dentures with nearly 40 years’ experience in the construction of dentures. Darren studied in the UK and then graduated from the Royal Sydney Dental Hospital in 1998. Darren moved to the Sunshine Coast over twenty years ago where he established Advance Oral as an in-home mobile denture service. He has since expanded and now runs a state-of-the-art denture clinic to compliment the mobile service. Darren continually enhances his skills by completing regular additional dental courses. Darren is qualified to construct and work with implant retained over dentures.

Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher is the owner and senior technician at Advance Oral Dentures with nearly 40 years’ experience in the construction of dentures. Darren studied in the UK and then graduated from the Royal Sydney Dental Hospital in 1998. Darren moved to the Sunshine Coast over twenty years ago where he established Advance Oral as an in-home mobile denture service. He has since expanded and now runs a state-of-the-art denture clinic to compliment the mobile service. Darren continually enhances his skills by completing regular additional dental courses. Darren is qualified to construct and work with implant retained over dentures.

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