A Guide to Dental Prosthesis

Dental health and the impact it has on your overall well-being is major. One aspect of dental care that many individuals encounter at some point in their lives is the need for dental prosthesis. In this guide, we will get into dental prosthesis, with a particular focus on dentures—the versatile and commonly used dental restoration. Join us as we explore the benefits, types, and care of dentures.

Understanding Dentures

Replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues with removable dental prostheses known as dentures. They offer a functional and aesthetic solution for individuals with partial or complete tooth loss. More importantly, dentures not only restore the ability to bite, chew, and speak properly but also help maintain facial structure and improve smiles.

Types of Dentures

a. Complete Dentures: Designed for individuals who have lost all of their natural teeth, complete dentures provide a full set of teeth for the upper or lower jaw, or both. These custom-made appliances are designed to fit comfortably and securely in the mouth, improving both appearance and functionality.

b. Partial Dentures: Partial dentures are ideal for individuals who have some remaining natural teeth. They consist of dental prosthesis attached to a base that matches the gum colour. Partial dentures are held in place with clasps that secure onto the remaining teeth, effectively filling in the gaps caused by missing teeth.

The Dental Prosthesis Fitting Process

a. Consultation: A thorough examination and consultation with a dental professional are the first steps in the dental prosthesis fitting process. The dentist will assess your oral health, take impressions of your mouth, and discuss your preferences and expectations.
b. Customisation and Creation: Based on the impressions and specific requirements, your dentures will be custom-made in a dental laboratory. Skilled technicians use high-quality materials to create the perfect fit, comfort, and natural appearance of the dentures.
c. Fitting and Adjustments: Once your dental prostheses are ready, you will have a fitting session with your dentist. They will make any necessary adjustments to guarantee proper fit, bite alignment, and overall comfort. Fine-tuning the fit may require multiple visits.

Caring for Dental prosthesis

a. Cleaning and Maintenance: Dental prosthesis require regular cleaning to maintain oral hygiene. Use a soft-bristle brush or denture-specific brush to clean your dentures daily. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or toothpaste, as they can damage the denture material. We recommend soaking dentures overnight in a denture cleanser or water.
b. Handle with Care: Dentures are delicate and can break if mishandled. When cleaning or removing your dentures, take precautions to avoid dropping them. Place a towel or basin of water in the sink while handling dentures to cushion their fall, if any.
c. Regular Dental Prosthesis Check-ups: Regular dental visits are important even after getting dentures. Your dentist will examine your oral health, assess the fit of your dentures, and make any necessary adjustments or repairs to guarantee comfort and functionality.

Furthermore, dentures offer a practical solution for individuals experiencing tooth loss. At Advance Oral Dentures, we are dedicated to providing customised dentures that restore your smile and improve your quality of life. Whether you require complete dentures or partial dentures, our team is committed to delivering amazing results.

Embrace the power of dentures and experience the joy of a confident smile. Schedule a consultation with us at Advance Oral Dentures and let us guide you on your journey to restored oral health.


Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher is the owner and senior technician at Advance Oral Dentures with nearly 40 years’ experience in the construction of dentures. Darren studied in the UK and then graduated from the Royal Sydney Dental Hospital in 1998. Darren moved to the Sunshine Coast over twenty years ago where he established Advance Oral as an in-home mobile denture service. He has since expanded and now runs a state-of-the-art denture clinic to compliment the mobile service. Darren continually enhances his skills by completing regular additional dental courses. Darren is qualified to construct and work with implant retained over dentures.

Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher

Darren Fletcher is the owner and senior technician at Advance Oral Dentures with nearly 40 years’ experience in the construction of dentures. Darren studied in the UK and then graduated from the Royal Sydney Dental Hospital in 1998. Darren moved to the Sunshine Coast over twenty years ago where he established Advance Oral as an in-home mobile denture service. He has since expanded and now runs a state-of-the-art denture clinic to compliment the mobile service. Darren continually enhances his skills by completing regular additional dental courses. Darren is qualified to construct and work with implant retained over dentures.

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